General Comments

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10 kommentarer:

  1. Fin (og ny?) hjemmeside Christian, tak for spændende læsning! Jeg glæder mig til at besøge dig på Illutron, en af de nærmeste sommerdage. Stort kram, Maria

  2. Hi Christian
    I found your project "sub pages with images". Its almost what I need. However i use a background in my web site and the bg of your gadget is white. Sorry man , but I'm nub on this thing. I know a bit of c# and thats it. So, finally I would like to ask if is it possible also showing its content as a short text together the photo and the title.
    Thanks a lot.

  3. Hi Christian. My Name is Jonas. I hope you are watching your comments frequently. Ive got some important(for me :C ) questions concerning your arduino spark circuit. If you see my post id wish that u rewrite me to

    greetings Jonas A.

  4. Hey man, wanted to say thanks for the great balanced piezo idea, I built it today and it works very nicely.

    I just have a question with regard to sandwiching the contacts together; would I be aiming to get them as close as possible and touching on the other end to the wires, or is an even separation (about half a millimetre gap due to the wires) be best?
    I'd be very grateful if you could email me your thoughts, I'll be sure to show people your page showing how to do the piezos

  5. In your "Arduino controlled Spark Plug" post you're using an NGK AP5FS. This is a non-resistor spark plug and will radiate much more electrical noise than the comparable APR5FS.

  6. Good comment about the resistor spark plug. I was not aware, that those existed, I have just used whatever was around. Thanks.

  7. I as well am curious about the sandwiching of piezos. Are you wanting them to touch or to keep them separated by a small gap? I haven't tested mine yet but I put epoxy between the two to keep a gap so they didn't touch as well as to hold them in place.

  8. Hi
    How to protect arduino from Radio Frequency interference?

  9. Hi
    How to protect arduino from Radio Frequency interference?

  10. Meget inspirerende hjemmeside. Har givet mig gode løsningsideér til mit eget projekt med raspberri pi styret vægt.
